Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Trilogy Make-Up Be Gone Cleansing Balm - Review

Trilogy Cleansing Balm
Trilogy Makeup Be Gone Cleansing Balm
Our love of Trilogy Skincare is nothing new to regular readers of our blog (see our review of their products here) however neither of us had ever tried a cleansing balm until Trilogy launched their new Make-Up Be Gone Cleansing Balm at the end of the summer. Cleansing balm is not a product that has ever held much appeal for us and we have remained faithful to cleansing creams. However, as we love Trilogy products so much we felt this was the one to make us leave that cleansing cream comfort zone and give the balm a whirl!
The cleansing balm comes in a generous sized tub holding 80ml of product. On opening the tub the balm inside has an almost solid consistency but it melts into an oil like texture when it touches warm skin. At first it was a little scary working this rich oily balm into our skin but don't let that put you off as once we persevered the results were fantastic. We applied the balm to dry skin and as it warmed it literally started to melt the make up off. Once we had completely worked the balm into our skin (paying particular attention to stubborn mascara!) we used warm water and the organic cotton cloth provided to wipe away the balm and - by some miracle - our entire face of make up was removed in one fell swoop! Our skin was left feeling soft and incredibly clean, literally, the cleanest face ever!

We both have different skin types and of course, our skin is 20 years apart in age, however we both loved this cleansing balm and would most definitely recommend the product for all ages and skin types. We love that Trilogy products are 'created from simple and unique blends of the purest natural plant oils and botanical extracts' and are not tested on animals. Having particularly fussy skin it is a revelation to find products that never cause break outs or reactions.  

We hope that Trilogy continue to produce fantastic new products like their Make-Up Be Gone Cleansing Balm! You can guarantee that we will be first in line for any new launches in the future!  
Trilogy Make Up Be Gone Cleansing Balm is available from Trilogy Products direct and the RRP is £19.50 however we picked ours up with the rest of our beloved Trilogy products from Naturisimo who were offering a 10% discount.
Have you tried the Trilogy Cleansing Balm? We would love to hear your opinion in the comments below!


  1. I love cleansing balms I'm pretty keen to try this, sounds good!

    1. We were new to balms but we are definitely converted with this one! Def worth a try if you are a balm fan. Not a bad price point either!

      Elle x


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