Monday, October 19, 2020

Just Like Panera - Broccoli Cheddar Soup


I don't share recipe posts on very often but when something is as delicious as this soup I had to make an exception! I posted on Instagram Stories last weekend as I was cooking this soup and had so many messages for the recipe I wanted to share it with you all.

If you are unaware, Panera Bread is a chain of restaurants who specialise in 'freshly prepared, wholesome meals in a warm and welcoming environment'. Panera is a must visit for me when I am in the USA as they serve delicious soups and sandwiches that are perfect for a quick lunch. 

One of my favourite Panera soups has always been their Broccoli Cheddar soup as it is super tasty and filling! As I've had to cancel two trips to the USA this year I was starting to get Panera soup withdrawal so I started googling recipes to see if I could recreate the dish at home. I was pleased to discover that are lots of ideas online as to how you can create this delicious soup in your own kitchen. It's the perfect autumn/winter lunch! Let know in the comments if you try this dish at home! Enjoy! 


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