Saturday, January 14, 2017

Jeffree Star Beauty Killer Palette Review and Swatches

When I discovered that Beauty Bay are now stocking Jeffree Star Cosmetics I couldn't wait to place an order! I have heard a lot of hype around Jeffree's cosmetics line and I wanted to find out if it was indeed, all that! I placed a rather large order so check back for some more Jeffree Star reviews coming soon! Today it's the turn of the Beauty Killer Palette (RRP £40)

When I first saw the Beauty Killer Palette I fell in love with it but I wasn't sure how wearable it actually was! This led to many hours spent on YouTube watching reviews and tutorials of people using the palette. Finally I convinced myself that it was perfectly wearable and I was justified in buying it! I am so glad I got this palette in the end because (spoiler alert) I LOVE it!

Overall the shadows are very pigmented and creamy, they blend beautifully into each other and you can really create a lot of looks using this palette. The stand out shades for me are Courtney , a gorgeous peachy transition shade and Confession, a metallic rusty burgundy. Shades of this nature are usually my go-to eyeshadow shades so I was really surprised that I have already dipped into Star Power and Violence to create a pinky-purple smokey eye which was very outside my comfort zone but beautiful nonetheless!
There is one disappointing shade within the palette and that is Rich Bitch. This shade is a funny one! It is a beautiful true yellow-gold shade with glitter which sounds ideal. In my experience to get the best out of this shade it has to be used either with your finger (which can lead to some fall out of glitter) or slightly wet. Dipping into this shade with a dry brush offers absolutely no colour payoff at all! This hasn't put me off too much as I just used my finger and the colour pay off was fine, however compared to the other shimmer shade in the palette, Princess, it doesn't come close!
I have used this palette every day since it arrived in the post (which is a relief to my Anastasia Modern Renaissance palette which was taking a daily beating!) and I am loving it so far!

Make sure you check back for our reviews of the other Jeffree Star products we purchased! 

Love Mimi x

Have you tried any Jeffree Star products? What did you think?

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