Saturday, November 04, 2017

Glossier Review - Priming Moisturizer, Milky Jelly Cleanser, Balm Dotcom

There has been a huge amount of pomp and ceremony surrounding the UK launch of Glossier (they now ship to the UK) and, if you are a beauty junkie, you'd have to have been living under a rock to have missed it! All of the big beauty bloggers and YouTubers have been featuring the brand heavily and being the sheep that I am I had to see what all the fuss was about!

Unable to wait for the UK release I went ahead and made an order to be delivered to Mimi's Orlando home so when I visited her in October there it was waiting for me. When deciding which products to order I went with some of their most popular and praised products to see what all the hype was about! After much deliberation I decided on their Priming Moisturizer, Milky Jelly Cleanser, and Balm Dotcom skin salve. 

First of all lets talk packaging; Glossier really does look beautiful. Their branding and packaging is very pretty and it certainly looks lovely on your dressing table or in your bathroom. Everything is delivered in one of their famous pink pouches which make for excellent travel toiletry holders.

Priming Moisturizer: My first thought was that this is very light and maybe too light for my dry skin. I am aware that they also produce the priming moisturizer in a 'rich' version so maybe this would be more suited to my skin type. Nevertheless I have been using this as my morning moisturiser/primer under makeup. So far so good! It feels light and hydrating on the skin and provides a nice base for makeup. I have very sensitive skin and am pleased to find have experienced no breakouts or adverse reactions which is unusual for me! As a primer I haven't noticed any priming effects such as pore minimising or blurring so if I want my make up to last all day or I want to minimise pores I still use an additional primer on top.

Milky Jelly Cleanser: I have quite a few thoughts about the cleanser and not all of them are super positive. First of all it doesn't remove my makeup and for that reason I cannot give it a glowing review. I have started to use it as a second cleansing step and reverted to my Trilogy Cleansing Balm as my first cleansing step as it removes makeup and mascara. The Milky Jelly Cleanser also has what I would consider a very strong scent. It's not an unpleasant scent but it is very strong and that makes me worry that it will cause me to break out! (it hasn't so far so fingers crossed) That being said it's not all bad! As a second cleanser or as a morning face wash it does the job and leaves my skin feeling soft and clean. Will I use it up? Yes. Would I repurchase it? Probably not.

Balm Dotcom: Another much hyped product! Although it looks like a lip balm it is in fact a universal skin salve meaning that you can apply it to any dry areas including cuticles, elbows etc. In the interests of full disclosure I do actually have another product very similar to this, Lanolips 101 Ointment which is my holy grail dry lip saviour! Comparing the two side by side they are similar in consistency and claims however I still felt that the Lanolips was slightly thicker and therefore more hydrating than the Glossier balm dotcom. That being said, it is still a good product and if you are looking for a dry skin balm it does live up to its claims.

To summarise, I am sad to say that I have not been blown away so far in my experience of Glossier products. They are 'ok' but I haven't tried anything that has made me want to change from the products I am currently using. However, I am open to trying more of their products and wouldn't rule out purchasing from them in the future.  

Love Elle x 

Have you tried any Glossier products yet? What are your thoughts? 

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