Saturday, August 06, 2016

LVL Enhance Lash Lift from Nouveau Lashes - One Year On

LVL Enhance Lash Lift Nouveau Lashes

Top left - Before LVL, Top right - After the first LVL
Bottom - Latest LVL results a week after treatment

If you are a regular visitor to you may remember one of our very first and indeed, one of our most popular blog posts! We talked about our first experience of the LVL Enhance Lash Lift treatment from Nouveau Lashes. (click here if you'd like to see our initial review/description of the treatment and before and after pictures)

After having LVL Lash Lift treatment consistently for a year we thought you may like an update on how our lashes are doing 12 months on!
We have LVL treatment every 6 weeks with Nikki at Tribeca Salon in Tyne and Wear. Nikki recommended that after our treatment we also use the Nouveau Lashes Conditioning Serum both morning and night to condition and care for our lashes (£15 from your official LVL salon). We apply the serum as part of our twice daily skincare routine so that we do not forget! 
Both of us have seen a huge difference in our lashes in the past 12 months! They are stronger, longer and perhaps most surprisingly, there are even more of them! Although this may not be down to the treatment itself, we believe that being able to banish the daily use of eyelash curlers must have something to do with it. As our eyelashes consistently look curled we never have to risk pulling them out by curling them meaning that they just seem to grow and grow! We can honestly say that our lashes have never looked better or been in better condition! In the progress pictures above it is clear to see just how much of a difference the treatment has made.
We have recommended LVL to many of our friends and family and have yet to hear a less than glowing report. (do make sure that your treatment is from an approved and trained LVL Beautician so you know you are getting the real deal and not one of the copycat treatments out there!)
LVL Lash Lift treatment from Nouveau Lashes takes around 40 minutes in total and lasts 6-8 weeks. We are now addicted! We can safely say that now we wouldn't be without it!
Nouveau Lashes recently announced a new lash extension treatment called SVS by Nouveau Lashes and we are very excited to try it. Now, where do we start to queue......
Love Elle and Mimi x

Have you tried Nouveau Lashes LVL treatment? We'd love to hear your thoughts!


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