Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ultimate Duvet Day TV Shows To Binge Watch-Part 2

Netflix Binge Watch
So here we are, heading into 2018 and if you are anything like us, we'd like to bet you STILL have a long line of TV shows on your must see list! To make things even more difficult for you, we'd like to present to you our 2017-2018 list of MUST SEE TV SHOWS for you to binge watch to your hearts content. At this time of year hopefully you have a day or two off work to indulge in a bit of a binge so why not pick a couple of these great shows that we have been addicted to! Curl up with a cuppa and a box of those Christmas chocolates and off we go...

If you'd like to see our previous list from 2016 we will link it here but keep reading for our latest list of Ultimate Duvet Day TV Shows!

Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life:
Let us begin exactly where we started our 2016 list...with Lorelai and Rory! This 4 part revival of Gilmore Girls is an absolute favourite of ours and a show that we return to time and time again. Along with the original 7 seasons of the show we watch this on a loop! Once binge watched it's such an easy show to dip in and out of which is why we could never envisage a TV list that omitted to mention this great show! 
Netflix Binge Watch Gilmore Girls

Bates Motel:
We are both HUGE fans of Bates Motel and believe that Freddie Highmore should have been given every award under the sun for his brilliant portrayal of Norman Bates in this prequel to the 1960 movie Psycho.  Both Freddie and the fantastic Vera Farmiga make this show worth the binge but throw into the mix tension, creepiness, complicated and at times weird relationships and of course, murder and you have an absolutely fantastic and possibly somewhat underrated show that is definitely binge watch worthy! Seriously, go watch it, you won't be disappointed! 
Netflix Binge Watch Bates Motel

Stranger Things:
We are probably preaching to the converted here but just in case you have been living under a rock we suggest that you check out Seasons 1 & 2 of Stranger Things on duvet day! Somewhat nostalgic looking with lots of 80's references and hairdo's, Stranger Things is a clever and spooky sci-fi esq show with Goonies vibes - largely due to the young talented cast. There are 2 Seasons for you to catch up on but with 8 episodes in Season 1 and 9 in Season 2 its not going to take you forever to jump on the Stranger Things bandwagon! 
Netflix Stranger Things

We know a lot of people who are not familiar with the brilliance that is Westworld. All we can say is....YOU NEED TO WATCH IT NOW!! Based on the 1973 film of the same name it is, in our humble opinion, an absolute cracker of a TV show that you should not miss! With more twists and turns than a plateful of spaghetti Westworld is a 'science fiction western thriller'. The story is based in a Wild West themed park populated by androids where wealthy paying guests can come to live out their western fantasy's...until things start to go very wrong! Season 1 is 10 episodes long and Season 2 will be coming in spring of 2018!

Better Call Saul:
If you loved Breaking Bad you will love Better Call Saul! Arguably the best character from the multi award winning series, Saul Goodman, takes centre stage in this spin off series. It also stars another much loved Breaking Bad character, Mike Ehemantraut, wonderfully played by Jonathan Banks. Brilliantly written and with fantastic performances from all of the cast this is another series that we have really enjoyed and looked forward to. Both funny and poignant there are currently 3 Seasons for you to enjoy before Season 4 arrives in 2018!
Netflix Better Call Saul

Santa Clarita Diet:
A 2017 discovery for us was the horror-comedy Santa Clarita Diet starring Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant as a married couple whose life drastically changed one day when Sheila, Barrymore's character, gets 'sick'. You only have one 10 episode series to catch up on before season 2 airs in 2018! Santa Clarita Diet is just SO FUNNY! It's also graphic and bloody but just so so funny! We can't really tell you much more without giving the game away so we will just say, you really need to watch it and leave it there!  
Netflix Santa Clarita Diet

Another 2017 release that became a firm favourite is Ozark. Billed as a 'crime, drama, thriller' Ozark stars Jason Bateman stepping away from his usual comedy role. Saying that, there are some darkly comedic moments in this show involving money laundering and Mexican drug lords! The show has some Breaking Bad vibes about it and if you enjoyed that you will probably enjoy this too. Season 2 is coming in 2018 and we can't wait!
Netflix Ozark

Friends from College:
Lets finish with some comedy! An easy and quick watch is Friends From College at just eight 30 minute episodes. Set in New York it follows the adult lives of a group of friends from Harvard University as they manage marriage, family, work and disasters! It's a super funny show starring, among others, Cobie Smulders of How I Met Your Mother fame and former Wonder Years child star turned respected director and producer, Fred Savage. If you are looking for an adult comedy that is funny and easy to watch look no further.
Netflix Friends from College

We hope that you have enjoyed our brand new Duvet Day list. We could definitely go on as there are many other shows that we could include but these are our top pics! If you have some recommendations for us please leave them in the comments below. We'd love to hear them! 

Love Elle and Mimi x 

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