Sunday, December 31, 2017

Highlights Of The Year 2017

So its time to say...Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018!

The turn of the year is always a good time to reflect on the 12 months that have passed and remember the milestones, good times and challenges of the year. We have put together our 2017 highlights to share with you all! We hope that you enjoy our look back at the year we are leaving behind. 

Our Last Family Trip to Orlando in May: by Elle
I am reluctant to say our 'last family trip' but in effect that is what it was. When I say 'last family trip' I don't mean that we will never take a family trip ever again. In fact we are all planning a big one in 2019! What I mean is that it is the last trip we will take to Orlando as a family of 3 with Aimee (Mimi) still living at home. Future trips to Florida will be taken to visit Aimee and Andy, her husband, and Dave and I will be travelling alone just like the old days 26 years ago when we were child free! Anyway, I digress! Our trip to Orlando in May was fantastic. We stayed at Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort for the umpteenth time (you can tell that we like it right?!) and the trip was just the right amount of relaxation and rushing around! We got to do some things we had never done before and explore some of the surrounding areas that we had never been to which was so much fun. We vlogged the whole trip and have also posted some blog posts featuring some of the fun things that we did! Our YouTube channel link is in the right hand bar of this page. We'd love for you to check out our channel and subscribe! 

Afternoon Tea at the Grand Floridian: by Elle 
To celebrate my birthday Aimee booked for us to enjoy afternoon tea at the beautiful Grand Floridian Resort which is one of Disney's Deluxe Hotels. We had a wonderful experience, fantastic food and great service. The blog post featuring lots more pictures is linked here and we also have a vlog of our experience here if you'd like to see more!  

Girls Trip to London with Mam/Nanna: by Elle 
Aimee and I are very, very lucky that we were blessed with the worlds best mother and grandmother. Aimee was only 12 weeks old when I returned to work after she was born and I was fortunate enough to have my mother there to look after her for me. They are very close and Aimee loves hanging out with her, watching movies and going on shopping trips. In May when she had to visit the US Embassy in London to finalise her spouse visa prior to her move to Florida she asked if we could make it a girls trip. Three generations hopped on the train to London in May and we had three days of shopping, laughing, eating and sightseeing. When the three of us are together giggles are never far away! It was so lovely to have that time to spend together with her Nanna before she emigrated to the USA. 

Finally moving to Orlando & starting my dream job: by Mimi
When me and Andy got married in England in December of 2015 little did we know that it would be 18 months before my spouse visa would be issued and we could finally live together in the same country! Not going to lie, those 18 months were tough, but we got through them and in June I finally got to pack up my life in Durham and get on that plane to Florida! We chose to settle in Florida, which is where Andy is from, as the job prospects for us both were better in Orlando  than they were in the UK. I had a job in mind that I really wanted and I was so lucky to be able to interview for and secure that very job not long after my arrival in Orlando! After just 6 months I am settled into my new home and my new job with my (almost) new husband and life is good! 

Orlando in October - Halloween Festivities & Family Time: by Mimi
Mam and Dad visited me and Andy in Orlando in October for 2 weeks and we had a blast at Halloween Horror Nights and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. We literally walked our legs off every night and experienced all that the Halloween Season in Orlando has to offer. We enjoyed a lot of laughs over the course of the 2 weeks and sent them back to England exhausted and ready for another holiday to recover! We are currently posting our October 2017 vlogs on our YouTube channel so you can check them out there! 

Developing Our YouTube Channel & Reaching 1000 Subscribers: by Elle 
We have been pretty comfortable in the past 2 years regularly posting our trip vlogs and occasional joint 'sit down' videos to our channel but plucking up the courage to film and post videos alone, with no one there for support has been a learning curve! When there are two of you it's a lot easier as you have someone to bounce ideas off and all of the focus is not on you. Filming and uploading our first solo videos was, and still is, nerve racking but thankfully the support and feedback from you guys has been fantastic and we are so grateful! We were absolutely delighted to reach 1000 subscribers to our little channel this week and we are excited to continue to make videos for you all to enjoy. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has read our blog, watched our YouTube videos and subscribed to our channel this year! We have made so many friends via social media and bumping into subscribers in Orlando is amazing! It's always so great to meet you guys! May we take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year, wherever you are!   

Bring on 2018! We are ready for you!

Love Elle and Mimi x 


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