Monday, September 12, 2016

Bourjois Volume Reveal Mascara - Review

Bourjois Mascara

My eyelash struggles are well documented on so I will spare you the boring details. Suffice to say, they are pretty short, fair and straight. For the past year I have been getting Nouveau Lashes LVL Lash Lift and tint every 3 months which has certainly helped with the straightness and fairness but unfortunately there is not much of a cure for the shortness! (review of LVL Lash Lift here and 12 month update here)
My recent 'holy grail' mascara has been the L'Oreal Lash Lift which does a great job of providing volume and length however I am always on the look out for other options that may work for me.
Bourjois are a great drugstore brand however I have never been particularly taken with their mascaras until I saw the Bourjois Volume Reveal Mascara complete with 3 x zoom mirror and 'lash catcher' brush!. I am always the first one to fall for a gimmick and this was no exception!  I picked up the mascara in black (the non waterproof variety) for the offer price of £6.99 - the usual price will be £9.99.

Bourjois Volume Reveal

The packaging is quite bulky and triangular in shape but don't let that put you off! The first thing that I noticed was the scent which is quite strong but the wand is what I would consider to be a perfect size. Neither too fat and bristly nor too skinny and plastic. Initially I felt that the brush was quite 'spiky' and a little rough on my eyes and I had reservations as to whether it was going to work for me however, the product built up extremely well with no clumping. It was very easy to build length and volume and I spent a few minutes getting the exact look that I wanted. Once applied I was very happy with the final look. The mascara made my lashes look much longer and thicker than I expected and I was delighted with the finished effect.

I have to be honest and say that I didn't really use the mirror. I tend to apply mascara on a morning using my makeup mirror and never touch it up during the day so although the mirror is perfectly functional, for me, it is a little redundant. If you are someone who likes to reapply mascara during the day then I imagine the mirror to be a handy addition.

Bourjois Volume Reveal
To summarise I would definitely recommend the Bourjois Volume Reveal Mascara. It built excellent volume and length and was easy to remove at the end of the day with my usual cleansing balm. It hasn't quite taken over as my new 'holy grail' mascara but it's coming in a close second!

Love Elle x

Have you tried the Bourjois Volume Reveal Mascara? What are your thoughts?


  1. I just ordered some beauty and hair care goodies and this Babe is one of them. And I ordered the non proof one ☺ I am so excited as I read a lot of good reviews on it. Yours now is making me even more excited to try it. Iam very fussy with mascaras and this is the first time for me to try it, really hoping that it will be my next favorite 😍 I have fine lashes but with everyday make up they are so small now haha. My tip is just clean your favorite mascara wound and dip it in Castro oil and apply it every night. The result should appear in 2 weeks.


    1. Good tip! I am so fussy with mascara so I'm always glad to find one that I like. This was a pleasant surprise. You have a cute blog by the way! xx

  2. I seen this the other day and really wanted to try it out! but i have others to use up, this just looks fab for something a bit different, the packaging is so different!

    Erin || MakeErinOver


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