Saturday, February 11, 2017

Perfume Dupes: YSL and Chanel

Next Gold Perfume

Who knew that there were some incredibly good 'smell-a-likes' for our favourite perfumes? Well, until very recently, not us! Purely by accident we stumbled across Next Gold, a dead ringer for YSL Cinema which is one of my all time favourite scents.

YSL Cinema has notes of clementine, almond blossom and cyclamen and I would describe it as a 'citrus vanilla-almond' perfume. It lasts really well on the skin without being overpowering and it certainly attracts plenty of compliments when it is worn. By comparison Next Gold is very similar Cinema with many of the same notes. It doesn't last as long on the skin but is perfect to throw in your handbag for top ups during the day.

Once I had discovered the wonders of Next Gold I did some Googling! Another favourite perfume of mine is Chanel Coco Mademoiselle. I pretty much have Chanel Coco Mademoiselle along with YSL Cinema on rotation in my perfume collection so I was very interested to see if there were any decent dupes out there! Coco Mademoiselle starts at around £50 for 35ml so it is definitely up there pricewise. The magic of the internet told me that Lidl had a dupe called Suddenly Madam Glamour for the grand total of £3.99! I couldn't wait to try it!!
Lidl Suddenly Madam Glamour
Suddenly Madam Glamour on first sniff is an extremely good dupe. It has a very similar grapefruity floral scent with jasmine and musk base notes and its pretty difficult to tell them apart. If course, once again, it doesn't last nearly as long on the skin but is perfect for a quick spray to top up your scent while out and about!

I now have a bottle of each of these dupes in my desk drawer!. I spray the original on every morning and then use the dupes while I'm at work as a little top up during my working day! This is working perfectly for me and it will make my expensive fragrances last that little bit longer!

Love Elle x

Have you tried any good fragrance dupes? Do you have any recommendation for us to try?

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