Friday, February 05, 2016

The New Revlon Mascara Collection

Revlon recently made the very risky move of completely overhauling their mascara collection and have streamlined it to a wardrobe of 5 mascaras to cover all of your mascara needs. All of their previous mascaras have been discontinued and the new 5 are currently the only available Revlon mascaras in production. We got our hands on 3 of the 5 and after a couple if weeks use we wanted to give you our thoughts and recommendations as the worlds fussiest mascara wearers! 

We picked up the ULTIMATE ALL-IN-ONE, VOLUME + LENGTH MAGNIFIED and ULTRA VOLUME. The first thing we noticed was that the wands are all very different. The ULTIMATE ALL-IN-ONE (red) has a super tiny wand and when we first saw it we weren't too hopeful that this would give our lashes much volume or length although it claims to offer '5 benefits in one - volume, length, definition, lift, intense colour'. We were pleasantly surprised! Despite its tiny size the wand does an excellent job of grabbing hold of every single lash and separating the lashes with no clumping. It did take a little bit longer to work with than some of our other mascaras due to its small size however the time was well spent as the finished look was very defined and each lash was individually coated and lengthened. It also made a fantastic bottom lash mascara as the wand is the perfect size to reach even the smallest of lashes. 

The VOLUME + LENGTH MAGNIFIED (blue) has a much larger and more traditional bristle brush. The brush is easy to use and does indeed give volume and length. Two coats was pretty much perfect for everyday wear and we had no problem with flaking or smudging throughout the day. Although we liked this brush and formula we have mascaras that do the same job that we like better so this will probably not be a repurchase for us.

The final mascara we tried was the ULTRA VOLUME (pink). Promising to give clump free and plump lashes this may well be the case but used on fairly short lashes the brush is so huge that it proved to be impossible to get it to coat them! It took so much effort to try and get some volume that we almost gave up! Unfortunately this was the most disappointing of the bunch and we will definitely not be repurchasing it. 

There are 2 additional new Revlon mascaras in the collection; namely, DRAMATIC DEFINITION (purple) and SUPER LENGTH (green). Unfortunately we were unable to get hold of them in our local Boots or Superdrug to try them out. We will continue to look out for them and will update you via Instagram/Twitter with our thoughts. 

So, to summarise, of the 3 new Revlon mascaras we tried our favourite was most definitely the ULTIMATE ALL-IN-ONE. It does exactly what is says on the tin! Great volume, length, definition and small enough to grab hold of the lower lashes too. This is a mascara that we can see ourselves purchasing again and being one of our favourites drugstore mascaras. 

Have you tried the new Revlon mascaras? Which did you prefer? We'd love to hear your thoughts! 

Elle and Mimi x 


  1. I bought the all in one one in a hurry without seeing the brush first, and I was horrified when I opened it! I'm still getting to grips with it now xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle

    1. Haha same here! Never thought it would work!


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